Accounts I have worked with: As a practitioner of the Visual Arts and
Communication, I provide a comprehensive graphic design service to agencies,
businesses and private individuals.
Studio Franco Design Berkshire, provides a full range of freelance graphic design services, package design, image retouching and conceptual solutions.
I also provide conceptual graphic design solutions - if you call me early
enough - as well as design project tracking and management.
Excellent creative Copy Writing is yours for the asking.
WARNING: The graphic design content of this site represents
a design portfolio of work created for Advertising and Below-the-Line design
as well as commissions by private companies.
Not Suitable for Persons.
These choices of Resumé are provided in order to make your life easier.
I am capable of doing all of this. I have even done all of this simultaneously.
Please Select from:
Standard Ordinary Type-Written •
Full Creative Resumé •
Package Designer in a Box •
Production / Project Manager
Visual - Plenty pics and few words
Some "interesting" reading matter for your elucidation, entertainment
and upliftment. Or your surprise.
A photographic essay. It is a testimonial. A testimonial in the form of
a diary.
a diary presented as an exhibition of paintings and textual material.
A text that is of a statement, supported by photographic evidence – of
all kinds and types. An image library, described as annotations.
Souvenirs extracted from
The Journal of the Long-Distance Android.
- and the Design process has to be guided by the principles of human desire.
My art and design for for print media: Posters, and Page design for Magazines
and Brochures, extends into Digital design where seduction by the printed
page, or the Framed Watercolor painting has been superceded and accellerated
by engaging Consumer interest with "bread crumbs " that lead to their Ah-Ha
moment, and my reason for doing the work that I do.
Web design is more than an electronic form of the print process. It is
a seductively immersive fine art of visual engagement and ultimate entrapment
of the senses. When done well.
Which is to say, done occassionally. But more often no more inspired than
most TV commercials or even some streaming TV series.
But - just so you know. This whole wad of copy is what we have to do so
that the Google Bots have something to register "in-context " of this page.
Slaves to the Search Engine God.
Studio Franco Design now offers high quality digital reproductions of
some of my original paintings and illustrations.
Available in a Limited Numbered Series, these High-res images are available
on Hi-quality Innova Canvas, or Innova Paper. Inks guaranteed by manufacturer
up to 200 years.
OR - just purchase the Digital File, and print it yourself.
Start Here >>
In a world of (supposedly) infinite possibilities, Franco Design provides
realistically Focused Design Solutions.
I also utilise independent individuals, who provide: Editorial, PHP andMySql
programming. Cartooning. Photography and photographic direction.
Okay. That's over. Now for the fun stuff.
Simple! Copy 'n Paste the site address at the top of the page to your
e-mail, and Send.
By-passing FarceBook or Twitther & tracking bots!
Mill Street
Cape Town
My Mobile: +44 799 011 3314
WhatsApp: +27 76 129 9265
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 17:00
Over-Time Rates Apply