Freelance Digital Image Manipulation and Enhancement. Bracknell

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Studio Franco Digital Retouching and Enhancement

Digital Retouching & Manipulation Studio Franco. Eastbourne and Cape Town

Digital Image Manipulation, Digital Compositing, Retouching & Re-Mastering of Classic Paintings

Got an old photo you want revived? Want to compose an image out of several elements?

Lets get started.
At Studio Franco Design - I specialize in image enhancement, color correction, photo montage, photo compositing and photo retouching.

I include 'Examples of Everything', because of the varied requests I have received.

As well as visual puns.
Such as "Etaoin Shrdlu". Etaoin Shrdlu is the approximate order of frequency of the 12 most commonly used letters in the English language. A combination of letters set by running a finger down the first, and then the second left-hand vertical banks of six keys of a Linotype machine, to produce a temporary marking slug, not intended to appear in the final printing.

Arrival of-the Vasche Vexvelt

The Arrival of the Vasche Vexvelt

The first Delegation of the Vexvelt Vasche arrive on the Planet to meet with World Governments.
Elements = Countless
Personal indulgence: From Jimi Hendrix -
"All Along the Watch Tower"
#vaschevexvelt, #vasche, #vexvelt

Donna Darkwolf plays My Heart on Her Burning Violin on Sirius

Donna Darkwolf plays My Heart on Her Burning Violin, on Sirius

Elements = 4: Photo - Donna on beach with violin
Fire on violin. Landing ship. Background
Personal indulgence: Donna on Sirius.

'Etaoin Shrdlu' Revolution Poster

'Etaoin Shrdlu' Revolution Poster

"Mobs that are law-less and left wing fa-na-tics
Lu-na-tic frin-gers who build bombs in at-tics
Is-lam-ic zea-lots de-mand time on TV
These are just some of my Favorite Things . . ."
(From Julie Andrews' "Favorite Things" 1965)


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Manipulated photographs.

Street Protest

Promo Poster: Paint It Black

Elements = 1: Personal photography.
Digital manipulation to enhance 'the Black's'.
Promo-art for photo exhibition.
Client: Donna Darkwolf Vos

Mechanical chess knight digital art

Contemplative Angel

An Angel takes a break from musical practice
Elements = Enlarged photograph of Shiny Wfe posing with cello
Digitally manipulated with inclusion of wings.
Client: Donna Darkwolf. Magazine article.

Pandoras Box


Posed photograph converted to digital illustration
Elements = Many
Showing the Original and final Rendered Art.
Personal Indulgence

The Witch in The Book

The Witch in The Book

Elements = 2: Photo of Donna in her red flamenco dress. Book.
Client: Donna Darkwolf. Magazine Article

Red Room - Photo Manipulation

Red Room - Photo Manipulation

Elements = 3: 3 x Colour Photos of girlfriend
Three shots from my locked-off camera combined into one 'time-lapse' still.
Magazine Article



Elements = 2: Two photos of girl friend posing on different ends of couch - montaged together
Magazine Ad

Mechanical chess knight digital art

The Red Queen's Knight Moves

A mystical Red Queen moves her robotic knight thru' the chess maze to commit an assassintion.
Elements = Countless
Photo of my wifes hand
Composite of "found" image components

Wine Event Promotion

Wine Event Promotion

Elements = 2: Photo of Wife #1 deep-etched and dropped into hand-drawn background
Wine Event promotion art

Silver Beyond Alone

Silver Beyond Alone

Elements = 1: Alternative version of original
air-brushed artwork
Personal project

Afternoon Tea with Lady Donna

Afternoon Tea with Lady Donna

Elements = 1: Colour Photo of wife
Manipulated to a painterly effect.
Private Portrait



Elements = 5: Black 'n white photo of me as a conductor, colorized. Baton changed for arrow. Flames added to score. Burning background. Frazetta woman entering shot.
Farewell card for the girl-friend who took the photo

Arch Priestess - Donna Darkwolf

Arch Priestess - Donna Darkwolf

Elements = 2: Color Photo of my wife. Background.
Donna had been interviewed by a Wiccan/Pagan publication that want a photo of her to accompany the interview. She told them she would supply the Art. Meaning - I would supply the Art. Of course.

Top Hat and Tails

Top Hat and Tails

Elements = 1: Colour Photo of my Wife
Photo converted to black & white whilst retaining the RED elements of her costume.
Portfolio Art

Naked Window Washer

Naked Window Washer

Elements = 1: Colorized black 'n white photo of her to hang up in our house
Because I can!

Marketing Campaign Poster

Marketing Campaign Poster

Elements = 3: My illustrated crocodile. Shadow. Photo of Ponto d'Ouro Beach.
"85 Million Years of Experience - One Goal!"

Green Envy

Green Envy

Elements = 1: Colour Photo of girlfriend
Converted to Black & White, and colour manipulated.
Magazine Article

Reflections of My Life

Reflections of My Life

Elements = 6: Photo-montage. Photos of: My wife. Two chalices. Goldfish. Reflection of wife. Reflection of goldfish.
Self-promo for Portfolio

Africa Geographic Magazine Ad

Africa Geographic Magazine Ad

Elements = 3: Charging lion photo
Computer monitor and keyboard photo
African wilderness photo
Magazine Ad

Fried egg Africa digital art

Fried Africa - Political Commentary

Read a Dictionary of Politics of Africa's Alphabet Zoop
Elements = 3: Photos of two fried eggs
Outline map of Africa
Magazine Article

Road makings no overtaking visual pun

No Overtaking - For a Reason

Elements = 6: Woman suntanning at the roads edge of a cliff . . .

Digital Image Creative Imagineering

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Robtv hand holding vintage alarm clock

Time Flies. Dust Dreams

Elements = Several
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana
Personal exploration.

Road makings no overtaking visual pun

MY Own Everything At Once

Elements = +/- 100: Montage of my art illustration work breaking free from my mind.. 

Donna Darkwolf my Christmas Witch

Donna Darkwolf - My Christmas Witch

Graphic portrait re-imagined from a photograph
No machine involved. Visual Art

Pandoras Box

Pandora's Emergency Kit

Just when you thought no one could fuck it up. . .
A modern take on Pandora's Box.
Elements = 65+
Visual Art

If Earth was A Cube

If Earth was A Cube

Elements = 3: Planet. Satellite. Path.
Good thing the Earth is round. Imagine the cost of putting a satellite into SQUARE ORBIT!
Portfolio Work

radioactive wasteland

Most Voted on Instagram

Death. Destruction. Divine Intervention.
It's "The Sodom and Gomorrah Show"

Vladimir Putin enemy of the state cigarettes.

Enema of The State Cigarettes

Elements = 14
Political Commentary. Vlad Putin cigarettes as a cancerous enema. Posted and downloaded everywhere.
Political Satire Protest Art

Vladimir Putin enema of the state cigarettes.

Putin Cigarettes Ad

Elements = 10
Political Satire. Vladimir Putin's Nuclear Strike cigarettes.
Political Satire Protest Art

Vladimir Putin enema of the state poster.

Enema of The State Poster

Elements = 19
Political Commentary. Vladimir Putin's Nuclear Strike cigarette poster. Downloaded 35000+ times.
Political Satire Protest Art

What the Bible Tells Us

What the Bible Tells Us

Don't Believe It. Noah's Scam - More like it!
Elements = 15
Digital composition illustration for a client
"The Book of The Nephelim"
Website title Image


No Living Thing

Elements = 2: My typography + image of Sirius A taken by the Hubble Telescope
A message to You!
Visual Art

Digital Image Compositing

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Street Protest

Arrival of The Red Queen

Image photo-composition
Elements = 6: Sourced images
Digital manipulation for story-board.

Event Promotion Post Cards

Annie Fannie - Secret Agent OOH!

Elements = 26
Poster for an imaginary movie staring Little Annie Fannie, a comic series character created by by Harvey Kurtzman and Will Elder.
Little Annie Fannie appeared in 107 episodes in Playboy magazine

Miami Farce Poster

Miami Vice - Parody / Farce Poster

Elements = 1: Scanned promo poster from video shop. Image enhanced / converted / posterized.
Title Parodied. Miami style-flecked background.
Ferrari 1973 365 GTB/4
Commissioned Artwork

Godzilla vs The Tourists

Godzilla vs The Tourists

Ten Elements sourced from everywhere.
Commissioned Poster

Women. Life. Freedom. Iran protest banner

Freedom for Women of Iran

Women. Life. Freedom. Iran protest banner
Elements = 4: Photos of Mahsa Amini
Hand, Flag art, Arabic text

Women. Life. Freedom. Iran protest banner

Schrödinger's Shop

Without going in, you will never know if . . .
Elements = 2: Guys at shop and Tesseract
Bit of Fun

Big Pixel Studio

Big Pixel Studio

Elements = 2: Shot of apple
Manipulation of apple skin to "box" shape.
Company Logo


Aztec Eye

Elements = 3: Photo of my Aztec plaque. Photo of my air-brushed eye from another project. Graphic sprocket.
Commissioned for some home-pub

Alien Azteca

Alien Azteca

Elements = 4: Photos of background of painting
Photo of my "Alien Wonder"
Photo of my green Aztec plaque
Addition of glow and 'blue fire'

Jensen's Natural Sleep for Babies

Jensen's Natural Sleep for Babies

Elements = 9: Colour Photo of babies
Colour photo of field of daisies
Addition of sky.
Creation & addition of 3-D alphabet items
Client: Jensen's. Baby Bedding Ad

Event Promotion Post Cards

Event Promotion Post Cards

Elements = 2: Me wowing the crowd, and a photograph of a crowd taken from a magazine
Promotional Cards

Marketing Promotion

Marketing Promotion

Elements = 5: Two arms. Dynamite stick. Lit fuse. Background. Typography.
Memorable message WITH A BANG!
Promo-art for magazine
Conference promotional material

Donna and I - Secret Agents

Donna and I - Secret Agents

Elements = 2. Movie poster and running agents.
Lunch Invite to My Shiny Wife. I presented the rolled up poster in a tube marked: "Let's do Lunch".
She framed it and hung it up in her office

Final Approach

Final Approach (Front)

The background art for an invitation to one of my art exhibitions . . .
Portfolio Art

Final Approach (Back)

Final Approach (Back)

Elements = 2: My artwork. Stolen space vessel
My Private Collection
Portfolio Art