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While I was preparing this illustration fro a magazine article, I was
coming up with this idea.
A dictionary to 'explain Africa' to the rest of the world.
Based on "The Enlarged Devils Dictionary" by Ambrose Bierce.
It is based on years of reading about the antics, shenanigans and lies
of the African National Congress in South Africa.
They are not alone. All the Africans states are like this.
Not just "at-a-glance", but no matter how deep you dig.
African Renaissance: What? See Rainbow
Atrocity: everyday in Africa
Autonomous: the degree to which decentralised bureaucracies
are able to avoid public accountability and prosecution.
Ballot: a dance. Like a ballet it is performed best with some
one who can stay in step with ones self. Partners who are unable to stay
in step, generally get the bullet.
Bullet: a crisis management tool. ie: the one-bullet-manager
can solve virtually any crisis by pointing out that being out of step gets
you one of these; a recruitment and marketing tool used to round up voters
who will be taught how to dance in step.
Fried Africa
Bureaucracy: Burgeoning. The chief export of African nations
to one another
Bureaucratic: a state of fulfillment achieved by once sane people;
instead of a single large bureaucracy, we now have several smaller ones
that do not have the same capacity for singular culpability; effective
B~ communication between bureaucracies has lead to bureaucratic autonomy
(see Autonomy)
Cookie-Jar: a sort of trap. A simple trapping device whose first
victim is generally the incumbent into whose care it was placed.
Crime: A class of thought process which involves the practical
application of theoretical concepts, such as where things are and where
they ought to be, or how things are and how they ought to be. There is
speculation that this is an “organized” process. However, judging from
the responses of its adherents – no one seems to be willing to claim this
Criminal Activity promotion of corny explanations from corrupt
officials, corporate dishonesty, Customs chicanery, colluding police personnel
Criminal: the Governments inability to deal with organised crime;
hamstrung by their code of human rights – they ure unable to address human
Dictatorship: A style of government adopted after an uprising
or revolution. Dictatorships are highly regarded for their humanity in
steering a population away from their possible mistakes.
Educational Disaster: The state of the Educational system as
it stands (or lies) today. A result of the curricula, the budgets, the
mismanagement administered by those who never learned from history.
Element: once confined to the Periodic Atomic Table, elements
have escaped to become “criminal”, “de-stabilizing”, “political”, “subversive”
and “provocative”. Lacking an Atomic Weight, these elements are hard to
capture and confine – except within a group of similar elements such as
governments, voting lobbies and terrorist organizations.
Fiscal Policy: a type of creative accounting that makes possible
the inclusion of centralised monetary mismanagement as a matter of course
in normal financial planning.
For Sale: Just about every public official
Government: A system for administering legalised violence to
the voting population; popular in Pick-a-country.
Heaven: a place on earth if one can pull all the right legs
Hijacking: a national sport in many African states with the
widest appeal and application. H~ can be played by everyone and can be
applied to tangible items such as vehicles and land, intangible items such
as ideas of “transparency” and incomprehensible items such as the Judicial
Hope: As in “No” That quality of human yearning that is least
likely to occur where the Air is Hot
Investment: a type of risk management; previously the domain
of drunken gamblers it has been elevated to stock-market status –(see Fiscal)
Insurrection: A type of intercourse where I get to do to you
that which I will never allow to happen to me. Armed I~: usually
the best form of this activity.
Judicial System: a piece of public equipment that is usually
utilised by well-wishers intent on sparing the innocent from nasty details.
See Hijacking
K: The “K” word. the word most singled out as the source for
the excuse for all the reasons for the resentment of everything that is
wrong with Africa today.
Lavish: Lifestyles lived by the liberators, flaunted in the
faces of the liberated – who remain as ever, languishing, illiterate and
unwashed until they are ripe enough to lead the next revolution.
Military Preparedness: Every nation has one waiting. To take
over. And become a Junta. Otherwise, it provides journalists with material
which it then prevents them from reporting, because their atrocities might
be misunderstood.
Neighborliness: A spectrum of armed interactivity where forces
are sent as reinforcements, at one end of the scale, to mass invasion at
the other.
News: Not really. It is the same material – only the names,
places and dates have been changed to squarely place the guilt.
Organization of African Impunity : A membership club where members
can feel free to do as they please with out fear of castigation. A therapy
center where guilty members are absolved by their peers for their wrong
doings back home.
Plausible: Deniability
Police: A government sanctioned armed force for protection and
Politician: An organism capable of generating its own air supply
Political Office: A facility for the generation and processing
of Hot Air. Occasional cracks in the containment vessel, result in the
fallout of hot water.
Politics: A practice of livelihood by the cleverer segment of
the criminal population
Popular: Uprisings. Every month somewhere in Africa.
President: The biggest pig in the sty of politics. A temporary
chief elected by the leaders of a party of bandits for the purpose of dividing
up the spoils amongst them
Pussy-footing: a type of political stealth. A kind of bold public
approach that is used to deal with issues such as education, public health,
crime and poverty. Generally observed in areas where cookie jars are present.
Quell: A direction for thoughts of social improvement
Reasonable: Doubt that there will be beneficial long-term changes
in the near future
Redistribution: usually of what is mine, that I worked for,
to them that didn’t.
Redress: a currently popular concept. It cannot be called an
idea. Ideas have a conclusion. The concept of redress taken to its full
and logical conclusion would take us back to the caves. Fortunately there
is not enough money or cleverness in the world to achieve this.
Rainbow: An optical effect created in the lower atmosphere by
the diffraction of sunlight thru minute water droplets.
Rainbow: An optical defect created in the southern African atmosphere.
Generally appearing as a mirage of brightness as seen through Hot Air.
Rainbow Nation: A geographical location in Africa whose inhabitants
believe in optimism
Revolution: the time it takes for a political idea to run its
course and be superceded by a different idea. R~: a popular African
voting system, shared by some South American countries. Voting is generally
held after the incumbents have been found with their hands in a cookie-jar.
Revolution: a system of changing political parties. This is
usually achieved without ideas. The side with the most guns gets to hide
the ballot box.
Revolutionary: a person with a gun. People with ideas get shot,
or jailed, or both.
Transformation: Generally at gun-point. But sometimes by revelation
in the news papers.
Urban: A semi-localized form of decay which follows urban sprawl.
One day the entire African continent may achieve slum status. The glowing
achievement of African renaissance.
Vacant: A sign that should be erected outside Parliament
Wonderment: By the rest of the world, that so many people can
lie, cheat and steal, and yet still appear free, on radio or television
to make transparently devious comments to cover their arses.
World Bank: The people who are going to arrange my retirement
plan. The sponsors of lifestyles of the greedy and infamous.
Y: do we have to put up with these people. We voted them in.
But we cannot vote them out.
Z: Generally appearing in the name of a person or a country
that is going to cause the most problems.
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