Privately Commissioned Fine Art. Studio Franco. Bracknell

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Her Garden Galaxy

Her Garden Galaxy

Art Works Commissioned by Private Individuals for Home Decor

It does take some conversation to drag a fantasy out of some people. Others tell me what colours they like and I imagine something.
Like the painting above . . . And SOLD!

The pop-up images have been deliberately "degraded" to sabotage the attempts of 'art thieves'.

Images with a red border are available for purchase as Hi-Res Digital Prints on:
OR: Contact me directly.

Captain Coconut's Crash Landing

Based on the Jimi Hendrix Song of the same name

Her Garden Galaxy

Based on A Dream

Sofia - Erotic Drink


Future Primitive

Based on Santana's Song of the same name.
Space travellers marrooned on some planet

Goat-Footed Women

Based on a book of the same name.
I am a Capricorn. A GOAT. I like goat women.
Do your own research. Find Out!

HIMSELF - Bonnie Sebastian XVII

His Excellency, the Supreme Commander of the Combined Fleet, the Right Murderous Viciousness
- Bonnie Emperor Sebastian XVII.
Based on My Cat

Her Best Sunday Dress

Based on my Shiny Wife

Naked Piano Concerto

Based on Camille Saint-Saëns' Carnival of the Animals - The Swan

At The Roof of The World

Me and my snow lions crossing the inhospitable Range.
From "Phaedra" by Tangerine Dream

Huntress of a Billion Worlds

Based on some really GOOD marijuana

The Ishtar Gate

Based on a Dream


Based on Naughty Lust

Morning Mistress

Based on my Wife

Isis and Osiris

Based on belief


Based on belief

Other Afternoons

Based on "fond memories"


I am not too fond of 'abstract art'. It is mindless to say the least - and "pretentious" allows the artist to do any bull-shit


Based on My Hero

How Many Cities Do You Want?

Based on some really great acid.

How Many Cities Do You Want?

Detail of the snubbed Tank Commander

How Many Cities Do You Want?

Detail of the ineffable, ephemeral object of desire

The Arrival

You'll see . . . It happens . . .

Ariane Flint

Based on she wants "A painting of herself"

Signorina Ilze

Based on Ilze - my pretty girlfriend at the time


Based on my Army Days

Heather and Cat

Based on my girl friend in the morning, back in
"The Day"

Sunset Acid Trip

LSD acid trip based abstract sunset
I can paint while I am HIGH!

Studio Franco Design

Saffron Rd.
Easthampstead. U.K.
Mill Street
Gardens. Cape Town


My Mobile: +44 799 011 3314
WhatsApp: +27 76 129 9265

Graphic Design Service

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 17:00
Over-Time Rates Apply