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Her Garden Galaxy
It does take some conversation to drag a fantasy out of some people. Others
tell me what colours they like and I imagine something.
Like the painting above . . . And SOLD!
The pop-up images have been deliberately "degraded" to sabotage the attempts
of 'art thieves'.
Images with a red border are available for purchase as Hi-Res Digital
Prints on:
OR: Contact me directly.
Based on the Jimi Hendrix Song of the same name
Based on A Dream
Based on Santana's Song of the same name.
Space travellers marrooned on some planet
Based on a book of the same name.
I am a Capricorn. A GOAT. I like goat women.
Do your own research. Find Out!
His Excellency, the Supreme Commander of the Combined Fleet, the Right
Murderous Viciousness
- Bonnie Emperor Sebastian XVII.
Based on My Cat
Based on my Shiny Wife
Based on Camille Saint-Saëns' Carnival of the Animals - The Swan
Me and my snow lions crossing the inhospitable Range.
From "Phaedra" by Tangerine Dream
Based on some really GOOD marijuana
Based on a Dream
Based on Naughty Lust
Based on "fond memories"
I am not too fond of 'abstract art'. It is mindless to say the least - and "pretentious" allows the artist to do any bull-shit
Based on My Hero
Based on some really great acid.
Detail of the snubbed Tank Commander
Detail of the ineffable, ephemeral object of desire
The Show-off
The Enchantment
The Consummation
You'll see . . . It happens . . .
Based on she wants "A painting of herself"
Based on Ilze - my pretty girlfriend at the time
Based on my Army Days
Based on my girl friend in the morning, back in
"The Day"
LSD acid trip based abstract sunset
I can paint while I am HIGH!
Saffron Rd.
Easthampstead. U.K.
Mill Street
Gardens. Cape Town
My Mobile: +44 799 011 3314
WhatsApp: +27 76 129 9265
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 17:00
Over-Time Rates Apply