You Are Here...
Core Identity Leads to Style. Hence the reason for so many slobs
to abound. Their style belies what they are inside.
Corporate 'Style' is the outward manifestation of the sum your corporate
'Core'. As Pretty. Or as rotten as it is.
Just for one minute - get yourself away from what you imagine the "consumer
believes" - and go shopping. Be a "consumer".
Schlepp around the mall. Dont look at the other shoppers, or their behaviour.
No One Else Does.
Buy some cheap junk based on the price. And then treat your self to something
nice. Even if you don't really need it.
Now go home - and look at what you did. You probably did alright! Amazing.
Doctors, astronauts, and plumbers need training to do their jobs. But
anyone with a computer is a "graphic designer" . . .
All Design Briefs inevitably fall victim to Feature-Creep, Extended Deadlines
and Cost Escalation.
Invariably, frustration and resentment develop. And the urge-to-murder
This is why we provide this handy Check-List of "Things To Be Aware Of".
Your time and budget depends on the next forty five seconds . . .
1. Studio Franco Design provides Speed. Quality and Affordability.
Pick two of these
2. If you provide two versions of a photo, we will ensure that
wrong one will make its way to the
Supply only the images you have chosen.
3. Promises made by your sales staff have
no basis in reality.
4. Your sales staff will promise you anything.
5. If your text consists of two words, you have the option to
misspell one of them.
6. In accordance with BASIC MicroSoft programming rules -
spell checkers don't.
Nor do we, on your behalf. COPY is client responsibility.
You are billed for copy corrections.
7. Grammar checkers don't, either.
Sea Abuv . . .
8. Proof raeders are useliss. So we can employ them on your
be half, four yaw account.
9. If Studio Franco Design requests more copy,
please send it as a Jpeg Image File.
That way we can bill you for the extra time / work taken to type
out the copy for you.
10. When we ask you for images, please send PowerPoint presentations.
So that we can have the
worst possible resolution images for your job
11. We KNOW that you DO NOT have your company logo in a usable
print ready format
This is why Studio Franco Design will re-do that job completely
at an extra charge
12. There is NO stock photo ever made that matches the image
you have in your head -
THIS is why we employ photographers to get the exact shot that
you want
13. The time you allow to complete the work is inversely proportional
to time taken by you to work out
what to complain about
14. A client who knows exactly what he wants is the same as
one that has no idea.
We are here to help.
15. At Studio Franco Design, we enjoy clients who do not provide
copy upfront.
When they complain about the use of Latin Copy in the design -
it is the
best laugh of the day in Production.
16. In flat color jobs, the number of colours in a client's
design will equal the number of colours in the
original bid specs, plus
two extra chosen by client -
beyond the original brief.
This is how the cost of the job increases beyond the original quote.
17. We know that everything has to be done immediately, and
that deadlines are incredibly important, unless YOU HAVE TO provide the
or approve your work.
18. Studio Franco Design will always provide three designs so
that our least favorite will be chosen or, any combination of worst components
of each.
19. We are aware that if we show only two designs, a third will
be requested. For which we can bill you.
Knowing that when it is provided, you will choose one of the first two
originally submitted.
This is why we are called "Experts".
I love my job. And I want everyone else to love theirs.
I like to keep a piece of six-inch plate steel across my butt, while I
conduct my tasks efficiently and professionally.
I mention this up-front so that there is a clear understanding of such
terms as "bullet proof", and "not negotiable".
And the best way for this to happen is to
clearly understand
What My Responsibilities
Are to The Client.
Saffron Rd.
Easthampstead. U.K.
Mill Street
Gardens. Cape Town
My Mobile: +44 799 011 3314
WhatsApp: +27 76 129 9265
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 17:00
Over-Time Rates Apply