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As a freelance graphic designer in Cape Town. South Africa, I have worked
for a large variety of clients
and can help you develope and produce the image you wish to convey to
clients and customers.
Logo is the embodiment of the thing signified.
I read that: "The purpose of a logo is simply to differentiate - not explain",
the underlying qualities of a client's product or service that define its
Incorporating relevant motifs and concepts into a logo is good (when you
can get away with it), and increases the recall of a logo. But just as
often you wind up with an abhorrent mess which tries to tell too much of
a story.
Logo, originating from the Greek: “Logos” and the arch-principle of its
derivative: Logic.
It is a Greek word meaning "ground", "plea", "opinion", "expectation",
"word", "speech", "account", "reason", "discourse", but it became a technical
term in philosophy beginning with Heraclitus (c. 535–475 BCE), who used
the term for a principle of order and knowledge.
Most “logos” are merely indecipherable hieroglyphics, or symbols that
need to be explained. The good ones are a picture of the word, like SHELL.
Some are a picture with close relevance to the word, or depict the companies
activity – like Mining, or Film Editing.
Some brands, such as Nike, spent billions to make the "check mark" a logo.
Coca Cola is just spelt "Coca Cola", and it reaches further into people's
psyches and lives than Nike can ever hope to.
Logos is actually “the logic behind an argument”.
Logos tries to persuade an audience using logical arguments and supportive
evidence. Logos is a persuasive technique often used in writing and rhetoric.
Logo Design is exactly the same. This symbol stands for the argument that one companys products are superior to anthers, in some unique way. The design persuades the consumer to believe that one service is superior, or more efficient than another.
Logo "design"!
It's horrible!. Ugly. Absurd. If you would just run a Google Search on
the term: "Logo Design". The first return is: Do-it-Yourself logo design!!!!!!!!
For 99 bucks you buy an off-shelf application and In Minutes you can “Generate
Your Own Unique Logo!” You'll love it. Sacrilege As An Art.
And another one! "1000's of ready designed logos. Just specify! Only $40.00”.
Change color and add name, another $25.00.
So there's your choice. D-I-Y and don't call me. Or…
On the other hand, if you want Logo Design that works, do call me.
We will work through the process together, much like therapy. In fact it has been my experience that clients benefit from Logo Design Therapy, because they finally get to grips with the nebulous concepts of branding and marketing, and eventually focusing on Communication.
Logotype designs are ubiquitous. You may not notice them, but they're
everywhere. Any detergent box, magazine title, toothpaste tube. You recall
They are excellent because after you have read the word or two word, when
you see them again and again, you don't even have to read them anymore.
You simly recognise “the brand”
Being designed only with type, means that they are legible. You CAN read
them. Without any associated devices – such as a logo. Ford. Toyota. Mammoet.
Toshiba. Anadarko.
The first two are the names of men. The third, is made up. The fourth
is a combination of two entities. And the fifth is a place in Texas.
Simplicity and Clarity.
Spelling is spelling, and a word is a word. Or is it?
Sometimes, if the word is really good it becomes a generic term. Kleenex
now means "any paper tissue".
Not just KLEENEX as a product. But as a noun.
Some times it becomes a verb. "DHL this…", instead of "courier this".
Or, Google has entered daily usage as a kind of task. We no longer search
on the internet. We “google”.
A word is a word. With nothing to decipher, it says what it says. “Colgate”.
And then, your advertising campaign has to do the rest. So that you can
understand that it means toothpaste.
Speed and Cost Effectiveness:
More people got assassinated with a Remington typewriter, than were assassinated
with a Remington carbine rifle.
More soldiers and animals were killed with a Remington carbine – but there
is no historic evidence of a physical death by a thrown or falling typewriter.
Remington. Just a good word, spelt proper, delivering just what it said
it would.
From civil war to news room and back to covering civil wars.
You may wonder if your "word" will last that long?
Call me and I will tell you, that whatever word you use – you are going
to eventually meet the God of Marketing.... Advertising! And then the companion
of Advertising... Promotion!
And when they go out to sing your praises, they need some “Thing” to transform
into a BRAND!
Icons convey religious concepts and are usually sacred.
Symbols communicate ideas and the best are universal across all languages.
Whilst all logos are symbols, or try to be, some Logos become iconic.
Sadly, sometimes they are symbolic of corporate or designer inability to
communicate clearly. In which case the symbolism is one ultimately of abstract
The thing that has always blown me away is this: the client wants a device
that is a symbol of what the company does, whilst his/her thinking has
some sort of iconic glow to it. For this they want a designer to create
"The Logo". During which exercise they will cry about the price.
Cry about the price that they are going to hang their corporate reputation,
hopes and dreams, AND use as a talisman to ward off evil poverty, as a
weapon to lay waste to their competitors, and as a rally call to the market
of consumers out there who will surely beat a path to their door steps.
Here’s an icon: John Deere! The saviours of farmers everywhere. Icon:
In the Church, an icon is traditionally regarded as a kind of window between
the earthly and the celestial worlds; a window through which an inhabitant
of the celestial world - a saint, or Christ himself - looks down into the
earthly one.
The image recorded in the icon is a sacred one because of the belief that
the true features of the heavenly spirit have somehow been imprinted in
a two-dimensional way on the icon. This belief in the sacred nature of
an icon was developed by early religious scholars.
Christians would no more regard an icon as a physical manifestation of
whatever it depicts, than they would regard a written copy of a Bible verse
as a physical manifestation of whoever it describes -- the icon is understood
purely as the sign, not the signified.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
“A symbol, in its basic sense, is a graphical, written, vocal or physical
object which represents another, usually more complex, physical or abstract
object, or an object property [TOGA Meta-theory]”.
It is used in a conventional representation of a concept or quantity;
i.e., an idea, object, concept, quality, etc. In more psychological and
philosophical terms, all concepts are symbolic in nature and representations
for these concepts are simply token artifacts that are allegorical to (but
do not directly codify) a symbolic meaning.
We use simple symbols to exchange of information / tasks / commands between
A symbolic representation has two meanings:
1) is a representation of an object, event or property using a predefined
symbol system,
2) refers to a metaphoric representation of an object.
Not too far off from Logo.
Saffron Rd.
Easthampstead. U.K.
Mill Street
Gardens. Cape Town
My Mobile: +44 799 011 3314
WhatsApp: +27 76 129 9265
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 17:00
Over-Time Rates Apply