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"TIME" is the Universes way of preventing Everything from Happening 'At Once'.
Just beyond the realm of reality, lies the rough, imagined realm of possibility.
Beyond possibility, science. Beyond science, art.
The artist . . . is not a painter, painting what he, or she sees.
The artist paints him, or herself,
"there, in the moment".
Although I no longer have the time to paint or illustrate, this work is
here for your pleasure.
All work is free of Copyright. Any claims to Copyright were either waived,
or have long expired
The majority of work in this Galleria was rendered in airbrush, paint
brush, good old paint and pencil, or pen and ink.
Some of it was rendered as an expression of "Self". Free from the demands
of a buyer.
The majority of my work was commissioned with a specific content, color,
style or ambience in mind – but with my interpretation of that persons
wish to have a certain visual representation of their own particular vision.
My illustration work has largely been an exploration, to render visible,
The Undiscovered Country.
In producing graphic design, graphic illustration and digital photo retouching
work for both private and commercial clients, the process has been akin
to interpreting dreams. Aided by my dream to make money from my graphic
design skills.
That said: most of the material you see here is available for sale on
Innova Art art paper or canvas substrate.
While much of this "Original Work" has been physically sold, some of it
was sold only as
"rights to use".
Meaning that I have retained the original Copyright to reproduce as Prints.
Contact me to purchase a high-res print on any substrate you wish: high-quality
art paper, faux canvas, fabric.
Or, Buy my Art Direct on >>
+ + + + +
Mill Street
Cape Town
My Mobile: +44 799 011 3314
WhatsApp: +27 76 129 9265
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 17:00
Over-Time Rates Apply