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"In Hot Pursuit" This is what 'hot pusuit' looks like. Urgent!
Wake Up!
You are now 24 hours behind the target you just became aware of . . .
Your competition just launched a new product. Or, Consumers have suddenly
changed course based on some advert, and your plan is???
WHAT? Is you new Marketing / Sales / Product Strategy going to Be?
Future Possibilities means – identifying, seeking or manufacturing
further commercial spin-offs that can result from Our Event Website Representation.
Event Opportunity Identification
In the interest of simplifying our task we will first have to determine
what constitutes an “event” as we currently display it on our
websites, and what should be done to separate "events" from conventions
and conferences.
This document will also set out the difference between public entertainment,
(Led Zeppelin) public interest, (G5 Summit) and private conference (Corporate)
Events such as public spectacles, are not the same as specific conventions,
trade shows expos and institutional conferences.
Corporate Sponsored.
Open to public participation.
Publication: by arrangement. Limited input required. Easy to
Delivery: Via internet. For Free and Gratis on our HotelGuides
with the hope that we will get accomm bookings.
Approach: As is currently. 1 page. General public Announcement.
Commercial Value: Low. Needs public to require accommodation
at/near venue. Hotels.
Institution or Govt Sponsored.
Limited public participation.
Publication: by arrangement. Limited input required. Easy to
Delivery: For Free and Gratis on our HotelGuides Plus direct
access to the Delegate / Attendee List, so as to offer pre-booking etc.
Approach: As current.1 page. General public Announcement. Plus
direct mail shot and more,
Commercial Value: Moderate to high. Direct selling of accomm
at venue, post event offers.
Aimed at specific industry. Inter-Professional , Governmental
Publication: by negotiation. Concerted effort required. More
time required to assemble
Delivery: For Free and Gratis linked off client site.
Approach: MSI web site. 1 website as Attachment site. Direct
mail-shots. Plus direct access to the Delegate / Attendee List, so as to
offer pre-booking etc
Commercial Value: Better than III. Direct selling of accomm
at venue, post event offers.
Presents an avenue for further corporate spin-offs
Corporate internal.
No public participation.
More time required to negotiate, assemble
Delivery: Via corporate intranet. Mail targeting. Direct mail.
Knock ‘n Drop
Approach: Directly. In person and negotiated. Relation-ship
Commercial Value: High
With reference to Type IV Events:
Much of the approach and ground work will be developed from contacts made,
and information obtained during the pursuit and establishment of the other
3 event types.
For the purpose of this document – Type IV events will be ignored, since
the reasons, methods, needs and delivery are of a different order of magnitude.
The Different Components of an Event
• Sponsor – The Money. Institutional organizations, governmental
bodies, Companies.
• Organizer – The company/s in charge of the logistics of the
• Marketing Team – The company/s tasked with the advertising
and securing of tenants
• Host – The owners of the Venue where the event is held – where
• By PHONE: E-mail is 'VERBOTEN'. Find out who the person is
that you need to speak with – in order to present our services/credentials/trade
• Speak to them. Introduce yourself and Introduce ... , who
is your client.
• Tell them your intent. Make your pitch in one sentence in fifteen
• Raise their interest – because what you are in essence offering
A Free Service and An Unexpected Marketing Opportunity.
• Follow up your telecon immediately with our standard proforma
Introduction e-mail.
In less than one minute.
Be specific about this. Inform the Contactee that this is being done now
"as you speak…" so that they will be expecting the mail and will therefore
be looking out for it.
Or, they will see the mail arrive and be reminded of the earlier conversation.
Note: Cold Call E-Mails never work. The person that you are
targeting considers cold call e-mails as junk mail-shots and will very
most likely,
disregard your first e-mail.
First Contact
The first contact must be concise – which is not the same as brief. “Brief”
is too brief, for a first time pitch.
You cannot over-sell by presenting the cold facts of a great opportunity.
You can be sure that Mazda, IBM and NASA document everything.
What worked? What did not work? Where did it fail?
I you cannot refer back to what you (PLURAL - because you are a group,
all engaged in different aspects of the task) did, you cannot adjust your
thinking / approach / course / attack / resources / budget.
This is where my expertise will prove invaluable. As a part
of your Strategy Team, I can assist in the broad overview AND the nitty
Self explanatory. Visit the links below
"Why War? Why Not Big Projects?" Proposal writing
Recognizing Reasons for Complacency in the Workplace Corporate report
Pre and Post-Event Destinations Portfolio Product line pre-planning
Hot Pursuit Planning Quick planning to chase potential new client
Marketing Program Pre-campaign potentials assessment
Pre-Project Overview Product brain-storming Evaluation reporting
Saffron Rd.
Easthampstead. U.K.
Mill Street
Gardens. Cape Town
My Mobile: +44 799 011 3314
WhatsApp: +27 76 129 9265
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 17:00
Over-Time Rates Apply