
Freelance Business Activity Promotion Logo Design. Cape Town. South Africa

Visible Spectrum of Design Infographic

Infographic demonstrating the Visible Spectrum of Design Possibilities in any given project

You Are Here...

There are things your company sells, or uses, which are not 'tangible products'.
These can be services, incentive programs, financial packages or public event promotion displays.
Whatever you want to publicise as your busineses reach into the lives of your staff or your customers there is no limit to where 'You" can be.

Promoting What Your Business Does

Beyond "Product" there is Promotion of Activities - The Intangibles
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These are the things your company cannot "box and display on a shelf".
Customer Services, Loyalty Programs, Employee Motivation Programs, Corporate Anniversaries.
And a whole Smörgåsbord of opportunities that you can dream up in the traffic, or in the shower.

Cruzcampo Promo

Promotional work for prizes and event give-aways celebrating 100 years of Cruzcampo Beer.
Cruzcampo Brewery. Spain

Promotional Logo


Festive Promotional Postcard for a contemporary fashion collective of young clothing designers
Freelanced. Cape Town. South Africa

Car Art Promotional Logo

I'm In Love With My Car

Promotional gallery logo for my own airbrushed car artwork.

COSPAC AeroSpace Branding

COSPAC AeroSpace

Branding for a company offering disposal of your loved ones Ashes in low-orbital space.
See: https://cospac.net/
Freelanced. Los Angeles

Pharmaceutical manufacturer Logo

Warner-Lambert Pharma

Pharmaceutical manufacturer now owned by Pfizer. Branding for incentivised promotional sales & marketing team material.
Bates Worldwide. Cape Town. South Africa

Debt Consolidators Logo

Debt Consolidators

Additional free Customer Services product offers.
United Kingdom

Fencing Company

Cape Gate Fencing

Aluminum tags used for strapping to racking and fencing products.
Also used for business cards
Bates Worldwide. Cape Town. South Africa

My Story Our Mzansi Logo

Event & Social Media Banner

Youth engagement project hosting public talent events and social media promotion.
Southafrica.co.za. Cape Town. South Africa

Internet Tech Company Logo

Internet Tech Company

Bespoke Internet solutions for business applications. For both web deployment and in-house use
Dessol. UK.

Internet Tech Company Logo

Shopping Mall Branding

Universal branding for a shopping mall "Grand Opening" in Johannesburg
Bates Worldwide. Cape Town. South Africa

Group Corporate Logo

Group Corporate Logo

Logo for a news publisher of multiple news paper titles.
Argus Group. Cape Town. South Africa

Hotel concierege incentive program

Incentive Rewards Program

Targeting hotel concierge staff.
Incentive rewards offered by a travel company to hotel guests.
Siyabona Africa. Cape Town. South Africa

Studio Franco Design

Saffron Rd.
Easthampstead. U.K.
Mill Street
Gardens. Cape Town


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WhatsApp: +27 76 129 9265


Graphic Design Service

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Monday to Friday
08:00 - 17:00
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