My Pavillion of Women. Studio Franco. Bracknell

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A Todas Mis Mujeres

A Picture of my Shelf-Life: "A Todas Mis Mujeres" - To All My Women.
You will notice that the bottom shelf is all of ONE single woman. The Donna Darkwolf -
who makes the biggest impression beyond my wildest imaginings.

“Pretty Flamingo” by Manfred-Mann. (1966).
The Year Eroticism began - (For ME)

A Woman is a Work of Art. She can also be a "Piece of Work"

You cannot understand them. And you cannot shoot them. Pass the beer nuts please!
But on a lighter note - I cannot imagine a life without them

This is a selection from some of my fine art rendered for Private commissioned Art, clothing boutiques or magazine articles.

Ariane Flint

A painting of herself

Her Best Sunday Dress

Based on my Shiny Wife

Malice In Blunderland

Malice In Blunderland

You can never know what to expect from the lady

Goat-Footed Women

Based on a book of the same name.
I am a Capricorn. A GOAT. I like goat women.
Do your own research. Find Out!

Marisol on Holiday

Marisol on Holiday

Marisol waiting at the beach for her cab to the airport

Mia Capra Rossa - My Red Goat

Mia Capra Rossa - My Red Goat

Based on a Capricorn Girl

Signorina Ilze

Based on Ilze - my pretty girlfriend at the time

Naked Piano Concerto

Based on Camille Saint-Saëns' Carnival of the Animals - The Swan

Women's Summer Health Ad

Red Scarf

Art for Women's Summer Health Ad

Article on city night-life


Article on city night-life

Motorcycle magazine Ad

T-T-T-T-Touch This!

Article on sexuality at the beach

Women exploring spirituality

The Witch In The Book

Article. Women exploring spirituality

Morning Mistress

Based on my Wife

Masked Lady - Wicked Games

Masked Lady Wicked Games - Bostich

Where Flamingos Fly. Or, Make up your own story
Pen 'n Ink, and airbrush.
Self-indulgence. (Reflected)

Other Afternoons

Based on "fond memories

Saturday Night Special

For a Glitzy Night Club

Bitches Crystal

Bitches Crystal

Inspired by Emerson, Lake & Palmer's song of the same name

Red Striped Shirt

For a Women's Boutique

Chiquita Rojo

For a Woman's Clothing Store

Earth Rising

Life-size poster for womens clothing boutique

Sofia - Erotic Drink

Sofia - Erotic Drink