Other Stuff to Know about Studio Franco Design. Bracknell

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Legal Bollocks

All content on the site is my exclusive property - (copyrighted even), and as such is protected by international Copyright law (and my army of local thugs).
Any public figures referred to are used satirically - except where freedom of expression provides that public figures who get into the public eye eventually cause irritation, and are deemed FIT TARGETS for ridicule and calling to account.

Any trademarks featured on the site are here legally.

I did the work. Check it out. All my own original work.

You are invited to try and sue me, but remember that international intellectual copyright laws apply, and you will be basically screwed.

The Other Shite

Things you should have known before you went on The Net.

studiofrancodesign.co.uk is my website and I will do with it as I please (such a full life, eh?).
I waited 4 years for some squatter who had the name to fail to pay the bill. Which has happened, as this site is evidence. Once the domain name was purchased (some people shouldn't be allowed to have a credit card), all that was left was to publish.

See Also: Disclaimer for Franco Design
Studio Franco Design exists to make me money and make my ex-wives laugh.
That is all.

Age Limits
The site is intended for individuals aged 18 and over. If you are upset that you have found your child browsing my site then I encourage you piss off.
The internet is crammed full of naked people pictures, hate sites and other non-kiddy things so your little swine shouldn't be surfing unsupervised.

In future keep a better eye on your kids?

I do not believe that swearing as much as possible makes me funny. I have the brains and the ability to be an intelligent satirist. I know that, no matter what context they're used in, words may offend some people. If you're offended by this then you're in the wrong place, so why don’t you just leave now?

Plenty. Cry-babies and anyone without a sense of humour may as well piss off now.

Your over-rated up sense of morality.
Being the new-age, sensitive bastard that I am, no part of this site is intended to cause offence to any individual. I won't insult or abuse you*.

On the other hand I consider countries, religions and any sufficiently large organisations to be fair game for proper comment*

I welcome complaints, in fact I encourage you to complain - the more offensive, outrageous and badly thought out the better. Details about contacting me can be found at the bottom of most pages on the site.

All complaints will be carefully reviewed for spelling errors, use of grammar, intensity of abusiveness AND creativness. Any thing below a 9, will be deleted. The others will be published as is, beside the offending image, and will include your e-mail address.

*Please understand that once I receive an e-mail from you, it's contents become my personal property, and I can then use it in just about any way that I wish to.
Which means that it COULD be added to the site for the amusement of me, and seven billion of my fellow citizens.

About Studio Franco

Mill Street

Design Freelance

My Mobile: +44 799 011 3314
WhatsApp: +27 76 129 9265


See Terms of Service

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 17:00
Over-Time Rates Apply