The Book of Vasche Vexvelt

Donna Darkwolf Travels to Sirius. By Moreno Franco

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Donna Darkwolf Arriving in the Undiscovered Country

"Being Alive" Composed by Kevin Rix for Audiomachine Orchestra. From their album: Magnus. 2015.
A composition Donna enjoyed for its "Majesty".
And a painting I did in 2016. About a year before Donna Darkwolf took off.
She had asked me how I envisioned the 'undiscovered country' that we had discussed.
I imagined Donna like this - Arriving in the Undiscovered Country.

I knew then that it would, one day, grace the pages of my Shiny Wife's Digital Memorial.

However, I never imagined that when that day would come, my whole Soul would be sucked out of my body, at the passing of my Only Love and Beautiful Friend.

However, I never imagined that I would use this magnificent and magickal Hymn to Boundless Glory,  that Donna so enjoyed listening to.

When she played me this composition, Donna told me: "This! Is A song of Heroism. Bravery. Immutable Grace and Immortal Love".
She said: "Imagine having ALL of this . . .   It is not enough . . .  Not if there is no one to share it".

I think it so personifies all that Donna Darkwolf is.
GLOWING! Like Gentian Violets in the Morning Dew.

Donna Darkwolf Arriving at Sunrise in The Undiscovered Country

Donna picked up her shield and her weapon - as a true warrior - and set out across the Undiscovered Country, knowing that the Mission of the Voyager is never over.
The Mission parameters may change occasionally. Yet, not the destination.
Hail and fare thee well - our Beloved Darkwolf >>

By strange coinidence I had painted TWO suns in the sky - never knowing that one day she would tell me: "Find me on Sirius".
Sirius is actually TWO stars Sirius 'A' and Sirius 'B'.

"Who from the sacred
Ashes of her honour
Shall star-like rise in
Fame as she was
And so, stand fixed".

She wrote to me before she left. . . >>

NEXT >> "I Saw Your Ship"

Donna Darkwolf, re-incarnated in Paradise. Imagine. Re-incarnation in The Undiscovered Country

Donna Darkwolf, Young again in Paradise.

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