You Are Here...
Nice to see. Just make sure they are not all out on your counters at the same time
Energy Efficiency is a critical goal in both cost savings and reducing
environmental impact. Not all product claims can live up to their promises,
although they do try. Marketing people over-sell. Salespeople over-promise.
And nowhere do you see the names of the organisations who performed the
tests or made the claims.
Here is an important cautionary message for consumers and businesses.
Well – I am not actually addressing businesses – their marketing divisions
employ the very charlatans I am talking about in: "Don't be fooled by energy-saving
claims on products."
I have a Doctorate in Mathematics, and I can tell you there are THREE
types of Mathematician: Those who can do maths, and those who can’t!
The power a hamster can create by running on it’s wheel, and how many
you would need to power 1 household.
Right so, a hamster can output 0.5 watthour. A household needs around
11 megawatt-hours to run. 0.0005 kilowatt per hamster, 11000 kilowatts
per house. This means you would need 22,000,000 hamsters per house hold…
for 5 hours a night, if all was to run at the exact same time.
Now. Calculate = The space you will need to house those 22 million hamsters.
Plus their food and water. And electricity. Plus their Keepers need to
be fed. And paid. And housed. And they want benefits and weekends off.
And... well... you get the picture?
Your Compact LifeStyle Guide
Introduction to Compact Living
Guide to Small Apartment Living
Choose Appliances That Fit
Best 'Must-Have' Appliances
Enjoying a Compact Lifestyle
Benefits of Buying Top-Grade
If You Have to Pay For It
Energy-Efficient Appliances
Energy Saving vs Time Saving
Ten Things to Consider
11 Storage Solutions
Advantages of a Small Apartment
Benefits of Ironed Clothes
Induction vs. Electric Hot-Plate
Other Things to Read
- Most people cannot do more than Basic Maths. - Only some people are
REALLY interested in “the environment”, or “sustainable environment”. -
Very few people who fare better than Group 1 – exist in Group 2.
Keep this in mind while you read about -
The Deliberately Vague Energy Efficiency Terminology: such as
"green," "eco-friendly," or "energy-efficient" – which have all been milked
to death. Without any concrete data presented to support these claims,
it is important to look out for specific metrics or certifications, such
as the ENERGY STAR label.
Misleading Energy Efficiency Labels: Energy-saving labels are
not created equal. Some companies “create” their own standards, but present
no third-party verification. Labels like ENERGY STAR, are backed by reputable
While is the US government-backed symbol for energy efficiency - The blue
ENERGY STAR label may have provided simple, credible, and unbiased information
in the past – but the Trump administration neutered and gutted the EPA.
Consumers and businesses used to rely on this information to make well-informed
decisions, and now cannot.
Overstated Savings: Products that promise unrealistic energy savings
are the fantasies of marketing departments everywhere. And the bigger the
corporate legal company is – the more exaggerated the claims can be.
While significant savings are possible with energy-efficient products,
claims that apper too good to be true are too good to be true.
Hidden Costs: Oh – you never imagined that saving money will
cost some money? Some energy-saving products may have “hidden” costs, such
as higher upfront prices or maintenance expenses.
The costs were never “hidden”.
YOU failed to consider the total cost of ownership, including purchase,
installation, and long-term operating costs.
It is not the manufacturer’s/salespersons’ business to point out to you
how gullible or stupid you are.
Inconsistent Performance: In case you never thought about it
- the performance of energy-saving products varies based on factors such
as temperature, climate, usage patterns, and the specific environment.
Atmospheric pressure – changes living on the coast or inland.
A product that's highly efficient in one context may not perform as well
in another.
Obsolete Technology: Within 5 years . . .
Incomplete Information: Be skeptical. Products that do not provide
detailed information about how they save energy or reduce costs – are coasting
on your laziness. Energy-saving product manufacturers usually go out of
their way to be transparent about their operation and benefits. To BEAT
their competitors.
No Independent Testing: Independent testing ensures that the
claims made by the manufacturer are accurate. Such as a Bureau of Standards.
Inadequate Warranty: How long is the warranty for? And DO NOT
expect the same warranty on a cheap product as one for an expensive product
from the same manufacturer.
Material qualities, technologies used and mechanisms involved all differ.
Ensure that the product comes with a reasonable warranty for peace of
Lack of User Reviews: Reading reviews from other users can be a
valuable source of information. But not to be relied upon. Find QUALIFIED
Reviews. Done by organisations who are not manufacturers.
With people who have names – that if Googled, turn up results for people
who have some qualification to their names.
A review from Joe Shmoe on FarceBook, who does “stuff” and eats “other
stuff” – is not a reliable source of information.
If a product lacks reviews or has predominantly negative ones, it might
not be as energy-efficient as claimed.
Avoid being fooled by energy-saving claims. Do your own research. Look
out for third-party certifications, and seek out expert advice when making
energy-efficient purchases.
Additionally, consider the specific needs of YOUR environment, YOUR budget
and how the product will fit into YOUR life.
Being a Smart Consumer helps you make wise choices. For your Pocket and
the Planet.
I am a graphic designer and industrial product designer who has worked
40 years in the Advertising & Marketing Industry.
This article was originally written for my website
“A Guide to Compact
Living”and my foray into affiliate marketing.
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