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Studio Franco's Compact Living in Style

Compact Living in Style with Studio Franco

LifeStyle Content Writing - Your Guide to Small Apartment Living and a Compact Lifestyle Choice

Compact Living is not about living “minimalist”. Nor is it about being being pushed into having to “compress” your lifestyle. It is about making the conscious choice to change the parameters of your requirements.
Pretty much like quitting smoking or going on a diet.

Having the the intent of maximising small space usage, will shape your approach to the concept of what a Compact Lifestyle is really all about.

Apart from city dwellers being faced with the competition for living space, those spaces must do more for more people in the Twenty First century, than ever before.

Look at everything you possess. Consider what “value” any of it has to the Importance of Living.
How much of what you have do you actually use? How much of what you have is just “there”?

Bought. Used. And left packed on some shelf. With a whole lot of other things that you never use.

One has to optimise the living space available in order to accommodate the most important items you need for day-to-day living, without impacting your well-being with the unnecessary clutter of things you never use.

This article examines how popular movements such as tiny homes and minimalism are influencing how we contend with the modern-day housing and land shortage. Apart from the fact that life is just more expensive to “live”.

For example; when considering moving towards a Compact Living lifestyle, you should be getting multi-functional furniture. Even a bed-base can serve as storage. This article is about getting the best, and most functional small home appliances that will make your lifestyle “happily” functional.

I won’t deal with “sufficient” storage or “introducing plants” or paint choices. Those are personal taste considerations that you can deal with yourself.

Compact Living is no longer a trend - It has become a reality

Many people have made, make, and are going to make the mistake of thinking that a Lifestyle is part of, or the result of a “Fad”, or a “Trend”.

A "fad" is a style or activity which is zealously popular, but usually does not stay popular for very long. A "trend" is a general direction of change. In social terms, a "trend" is a way of behaving or proceeding, that is developing and becoming more common among a population.

Some trends stick. Generally, because of newly recognised health concerns, financial turbulence or changing social norms and mores.

The one area where trends have had the most impact, and the most far-reaching consequences on all of those issues – is Technology. No matter what you do or think – the technology is there. Micro-miniaturised. Ubiquitous and incipient – technology has made its way into the Internet of Things. Everything is connected. Almost.
Home appliances are the one thing that we can be sure of, are not a fad. And cooking and cleaning are not trends. So we should really buy equipment that we hope will last – at least 5 years, if not ten.

If we curb our conspicuous consumption we will find that we are able to achieve more with less.

Hopefully, this Guide to a Compact Lifestyle will set you on the path to achieving that.

So let us begin with small home appliances. Once you overcome this part – the rest is easy.

If we are going to do this we should at least > Choose Appliances That Fit

Moreno Franco

by Moreno Franco

I am a graphic designer and industrial product designer who has worked 40 years in the Advertising & Marketing Industry.
This article was originally written for my website “A Guide to Compact Living”and my foray into affiliate marketing.

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